Master Data Module:
Provides the opportunity to register products and add all the characteristics that are required to identify each one, controlled in warehouse. It exports the information in excel/pdf format, offers product queries based on qualitative characteristics, feeds the information about your product base through an interface or by loading a layout
Reports module
It contains different types of reports according to the needs of operation such as: Stock report, inventories, list of positions, batch report, movements Kardex, expiration role.
Purchase order module
Those requests that contain information from the merchandise to be received by of the warehouse, in order to maintain optimal inventory levels, through product check operations, allocation of locations and entries of warehouse
Order module
This module stores all orders issued by the customer, posteriorly within the replica of the system, this information is analyzed, based on the availability of the products requested to finally carry out a distribution of the total load obtained through a logistics and order distribution tool called simpliroute, which has the ability to provide the most optical forwarding path
Module de transfert
This module offers to receive from other locations requests for requirement of products to in order to cover the forecast demand of future orders and maintain optimal levels of inventory.
Module de transfert
This module allows movements from one position to another within of the same warehouse, including between internal warehouses (shrinkage, retention)
Inventory module
This module allows you to make entry or exit movements of items in stock and allows to add to the initial inventory, losses or increases of merchandise